Spilltech is the only platform in this part of the world which bridges gap between a theoretical information vs practical knowledge by bringing together professionals from the international response community, private sector, government, nongovernment organizations, and academia under one roof.

From big-picture global trends to hyper-focused community impact, SPILLTECH tackles the greatest challenges facing our community with sound science and practical innovation.

Submit a proposal today to play an integral role in advancing the spill response community. Educate your colleagues on the most innovative developments in research, technology, and resources management impacting our community today.

Topics for the "Call For Papers"

  • Managing spills - mitigating risk for safer seas
  • Preventing plastic pollution and probable solutions for a healthy ocean
  • Disaster management & salvage
  • Shoreline cleanup - assessment process for clean up
  • Waste & solid waste management
  • Legal & claims - Incident management
  • Aerial monitoring - technological advancements
  • Recycling & repurposing Marine debris

For more details, please contact

  Ravi Kumar
  +91 9818 421 654

Note: The deadline to submit a paper or poster is Friday, September 29, 2023.
