About Conference

SPILLTECH 2023 provides a vital forum for professionals from the international spill response community, private sector, government and non-governmental organizations to come together to tackle the greatest challenges with sound knowledge, scientific approach, new imaginations & practical innovation, social engineering, global research & Development.

This conference is an ideal environment for government agencies, contractors, researchers, industry bodies and other stakeholders to work together toward mutual objectives, through the exchange of ideas and lessons learned from actual spill responses and research work conducted around the globe.

Why To Attend

Stay updated on the most innovative technological trends and regulatory issues that will drive the future of spill response.

Make sure your ideas, your imaginations and your concerns are heard at his international gathering of the key stakeholders in the spill response community

Dedicated networking breaks will give you the opportunuty to expand your professional network and connect with the 300+ spill response professionals in attendance.

Who Will Attend

Regulators, Policy Makers & Nodal Agencies
Senior Officer from Shipping Companies
Senior Officer from Port Organizations
Senior Officer from Pollution Control Board
Senior Officer from Maritime Board
Senior Officer from Oil & Gas Companies
Global Maritime Organizations & Associations
Health, Environment and Safety (HES) Professionals
Safety and Security Officer
Plant & Asset Managers
Environmental Managers
Maritime Lawyers
Purchasing Agents
Operating Managers
Marine Engineers
Advisors & Consultants
Others Concerned with Compliance,
Spill Response or Clean-up

Focus Area

Oil Spill Trajectory Modelling & Aerial Surveillance

Oil Spill Response

Dispersant Application

Waste & Solid Waste Management

Risk Assessment & Mitigation

Ocean Pollution

Marine Debris & Pollution

